Multiplayer microgames! Work with or against other players in a series of rapid-fire games. A remake of ‘Garryware’ for S&box, based off of the one created by Hurricaaane for Garry’s Mod.
I used to love Garryware in Garry’s Mod, it was always a fun time to jump into and play a round or two. When I got access to the s&box developer preview I was on garden leave while switching jobs I wanted to make something straight away for it, but since I needed to learn how to work with their tools and how to work with Source (2) again. So I thought why not do something that should be pretty straight forward but I’m going to learn a lot from.
The intention wasn’t to make a carbon copy of Garryware, but to create something that was recognizably still Garryware and keep the spirit of the original gamemode. We ended up keeping the music, stingers, and announcer since we thought they were incredibly strong and recognizable hooks for anyone who’d ever played it in Garry’s Mod.
I think we succeeded, and we had a lot of fun when playtesting it with some friends who also had access, and we had a blast when we jumped into some public games after we published it.
s&box has been updated loads since we made this though, and they’ve completely changed the way that things get made so unfortunately this needs another rewrite to get it working in the latest version again, which I haven’t found time to do yet.