Apex Legends Interactive Map

Note: the actual map site was shutdown a long time ago, but a copy is still available online at https://jameswilko.com/apex-map/

Apex Legends was built in the Source engine like Titanfall 2, so it was easy to get into the game files and start poking around after the game launched, just to see if there was anything fun in there that we could play with.

Instead as I played the game I figured I’d like to be able to see an overview of where everything was in the game so that we could make better decisions about how we moved around the map and such.

After some poking around in the BSP file for the game I made some scripts to automatically extract out the locations of a load of useful points of interest so that we could feed them into a map. This meant that once we got the scaling sorted out, everything on the map was 100% accurate to where it could possibly show up in game.

I shut the site down after a while since I hadn’t updated it after I stopped playing in season 2, and I had some issues with people leeching the images and point of interest manifest from the server and blowing out the bandwidth on the host.

You can still view an old copy of the map here though.